#fedora-meeting: Fedora Base Design Working Group (2013-11-22)
Meeting started by pknirsch at 15:00:30 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- - FESCO release cycle decision (common release cylce for all products, need justification and resources to deviate): https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1202#comment:12 (pknirsch, 15:05:04)
- ACTION: pknirsch to
summarize in wiki info about self-hosting tree of @core + anaconda +
@anaconda-tools + gcc + binutils + python + kernel is 2240 source
packages, from a test pungi run. (pknirsch,
- jreznik idea about WG job to triage deps for
base? (pknirsch,
- Continued discussion of Base Design (pknirsch, 15:53:14)
- previous 40 minutes :) (pknirsch,
- PRD for Base? (pknirsch, 15:54:25)
- ACTION: pknirsch to
reach out to other WGs to collect input of what they want from
Base (pknirsch,
- Open Floor (pknirsch, 15:59:30)
Meeting ended at 16:07:41 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- pknirsch to summarize in wiki info about self-hosting tree of @core + anaconda + @anaconda-tools + gcc + binutils + python + kernel is 2240 source packages, from a test pungi run.
- pknirsch to reach out to other WGs to collect input of what they want from Base
Action items, by person
- pknirsch
- pknirsch to summarize in wiki info about self-hosting tree of @core + anaconda + @anaconda-tools + gcc + binutils + python + kernel is 2240 source packages, from a test pungi run.
- pknirsch to reach out to other WGs to collect input of what they want from Base
People present (lines said)
- pknirsch (109)
- jwb (58)
- dgilmore (45)
- notting (30)
- sgallagh (25)
- jreznik (19)
- sghosh (15)
- dwalsh (13)
- zodbot (7)
- Viking-Ice (7)
- masta (6)
- Southern_Gentlem (2)
- haraldh (2)
- sghosh_ (0)
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