#fedora-meeting: Council (2015-11-30)
Meeting started by mattdm at 18:00:05 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Introductions, Welcomes (mattdm, 18:00:11)
- Agenda (mattdm, 18:02:43)
- http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-council-113015
- post-F23 elections (and especially the FAmSCo seat) (mattdm, 18:06:27)
- https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/47
- campaign period has been extended to December
7th, FYI (decause,
- https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/elections-nominations-campaign-candidate-interviews/
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss%40lists.fedoraproject.org/message/PIQRYGVMBJQVDMWKZQNHNXWSQBO3IIE3/
- ACCEPTED: Because we value participation over strict bureaucracy
('Friends' foundation!) candidates for Fedora objections may be
accepted within a reasonable grace period after the deadline.
However, be aware that this may mean missing out on Fedora Magazine
interviews, town halls, and other opportunities for
campaigning. (mattdm,
- AGREED: Because we
value participation over strict bureaucracy ('Friends' foundation!)
candidates for Fedora objections may be accepted within a reasonable
grace period after the deadline. However, be aware that this may
mean missing out on Fedora Magazine interviews, town halls, and
other opportunities for campaigning. (decause,
- Outreachy status (mattdm, 18:26:56)
- Fedora was approved for 2 Outreachy intern
slots for 2015 Winter Cycle: One Engineering Slot for Fedora
Hubs/Developer Portal, and one for Commops (decause,
- We had 6 applicants apply to both positions in
total, which incurred 7 new issues, 12 new/edited wiki pages, at
least 6 PR/patches, 3 CommBlog/Magazine articles, 10+ planet posts,
and over 30 Fedora badges awarded. (decause,
- Outreachy mentors rated and approved candidates
for both positions (decause,
- Outreacy upstream rejected all of our
candidates, based on new eligibility requirements introduced this
cycle for university enrollment (decause,
- CommOps team has agreed to continue mentoring
any Outreachy applicants from this cycle in preparation for the next
round in the Spring/Summer (decause,
- http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-council-113015
- ACTION: decause
inform outreachy upstream they will not need to invoice us for
future round of funding this quarter (decause,
- ACTION: decause
update council lists with details about outreachy round (decause,
- ACTION: decause set
up Outreachy post-mortem with Fedora/OSAS/Outreachy Upstream
- next week (mattdm, 19:09:47)
Meeting ended at 19:11:27 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- decause inform outreachy upstream they will not need to invoice us for future round of funding this quarter
- decause update council lists with details about outreachy round
- decause set up Outreachy post-mortem with Fedora/OSAS/Outreachy Upstream
Action items, by person
- decause
- decause inform outreachy upstream they will not need to invoice us for future round of funding this quarter
- decause update council lists with details about outreachy round
- decause set up Outreachy post-mortem with Fedora/OSAS/Outreachy Upstream
People present (lines said)
- decause (127)
- mattdm (89)
- jwb (39)
- jkurik (31)
- langdon (29)
- rdieter (25)
- zodbot (9)
- cwickert (0)
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