#fedora-meeting: Fedora Diversity Team - 2017 Feb 22
Meeting started by Amita at 12:00:36 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call / Q&A (Amita, 12:01:51)
- https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/FAD_COMMBlog
- FAD report is in the final round of
implementing the review comments (Amita,
- Review action items from last meeting (jwf, 12:10:44)
- ACTION: jwf will try
to complete FAD report by next week and publish it (Amita,
- ACTION: jwf Take
feedback from meskarune about Arch Women and add insight to ticket
#3 (jwf,
- https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/3
- ACTION: bee2502 will
cover mozilla community for research - for CoC violations -
ticket#3 (Amita,
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwqrBZAl7FGowexrkCWR-H-XeP5a6zeVpjRDEc9PsBuQpU6g/viewform?embedded=true
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwqrBZAl7FGowexrkCWR-H-XeP5a6zeVpjRDEc9PsBuQpU6g/viewform?embedded=true
- ACTION: marinaz and
bexelbie to sync up survey questions for Fedora Legal (Amita,
- [COMPLETE] jwf Update wiki page with draft of
questions from FAD as part of ticket triaging process for today
(inc. note that they are NOT finalized) (jwf,
- https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/Fedora_Diversity
- ACTION: AMita to
implement review comments for
https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/Fedora_Diversity (Amita,
- council ticket for reserving a date for
diversity team for reporting - tentatively put us on the hook for
April (Amita,
- Diversity Tickets (Amita, 12:45:56)
- https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/16
- ACTION: everyone,
please write personal report and leave a comment in the ticket, so
that we can close it (Amita,
- https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/12
- https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/5
- Creating "example cases" for plans of action (Amita,
- https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/5
- Let the research happen, and we can work on
https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/5 (Amita,
- OpenFloor (Amita, 12:53:36)
Meeting ended at 13:03:05 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jwf will try to complete FAD report by next week and publish it
- jwf Take feedback from meskarune about Arch Women and add insight to ticket #3
- bee2502 will cover mozilla community for research - for CoC violations - ticket#3
- marinaz and bexelbie to sync up survey questions for Fedora Legal
- AMita to implement review comments for https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/Fedora_Diversity
- everyone, please write personal report and leave a comment in the ticket, so that we can close it
Action items, by person
- bee2502
- bee2502 will cover mozilla community for research - for CoC violations - ticket#3
- bexelbie
- marinaz and bexelbie to sync up survey questions for Fedora Legal
- jwf
- jwf will try to complete FAD report by next week and publish it
- jwf Take feedback from meskarune about Arch Women and add insight to ticket #3
- marinaz
- marinaz and bexelbie to sync up survey questions for Fedora Legal
- AMita to implement review comments for https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/Fedora_Diversity
- everyone, please write personal report and leave a comment in the ticket, so that we can close it
People present (lines said)
- Amita (155)
- jwf (71)
- bexelbie (21)
- zodbot (20)
- bee2502 (19)
- jonatoni (12)
- marinaz (9)
- Rhea (4)
- amsharma (0)
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