#fedora-meeting: EPEL (2019-05-29)

Meeting started by smooge at 18:00:42 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Chair and Introductions (smooge, 18:00:42)
  2. Agenda (smooge, 18:02:10)
    1. EPEL Proposal: Removal of PPC64 (Not PPC64le) in 2019-06-01 (smooge, 18:02:11)
    2. EPEL Proposal: EPEL Master branch AKA Rawhide (smooge, 18:02:11)
    3. CentOS-8 (smooge, 18:02:11)

  3. EPEL PPC64 (smooge, 18:05:39)
    1. https://www.scrye.com/wordpress/nirik/2019/05/23/attention-epel6-and-epel7-ppc64-users/ (smooge, 18:05:39)
    2. PPC64 Big Endian is no longer composed for Fedora or EPEL. While it will live in regular trees for the time being, it has been archived to /pub/archive/epel just in case (smooge, 18:11:18)

  4. EPEL Rawhide (smooge, 18:11:54)
    1. https://smoogespace.blogspot.com/2019/05/epel-proposal-epel-master-branch-aka.html (smooge, 18:11:54)

  5. CentOS 8 (smooge, 18:23:20)
    1. https://koji.mbox.centos.org/koji/ (smooge, 18:24:47)
    2. https://koji.armhfp-mbox.centos.org/koji/ (pgreco, 18:25:15)

  6. EPEL-8 (smooge, 18:26:49)
    1. met last week on trying to get plans together (smooge, 18:26:49)
    2. wrote rawhide proposal last night (smooge, 18:26:49)
    3. sgallagh pushed libmodulemd-2.5.0 and I need to update grobisplitter we can roll then (smooge, 18:26:49)
    4. make branches in things tomorrow. (smooge, 18:26:49)
    5. make koji work next week (smooge, 18:26:50)
    6. make fedpkg work next week? (smooge, 18:26:52)
    7. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/Changes/Minor_release_based_composes but it doesn't talk about branching, just the archiving, etc. (nirik, 18:42:15)

Meeting ended at 19:11:43 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. smooge (84)
  2. nirik (54)
  3. sgallagh (52)
  4. tdawson (15)
  5. pgreco (10)
  6. zodbot (8)
  7. Evolution (1)
  8. bstinson (1)
  9. orionp (1)

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