#fedora-mindshare: Mindshare

Meeting started by riecatnor[m] at 20:00:12 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. About Mindshare: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare/ (riecatnor[m], 20:01:11)

  1. Hello (riecatnor[m], 20:01:17)
  2. announcements and information (riecatnor[m], 20:04:14)
    1. Fedora Linux 35 elections results are out! (riecatnor[m], 20:04:19)
    2. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-linux-35-election-results/ (riecatnor[m], 20:04:24)
    3. Recordings from the F35 Release Party now available on the Fedora Youtube (riecatnor[m], 20:05:10)
    4. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-linux-35-release-party-recordings-available-now/ (riecatnor[m], 20:05:37)
    5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHFMY9-DXaA&list=PL0x39xti0_65GXPLfbWCgdMjSpYfvE5Av (riecatnor[m], 20:05:42)
    6. CfP for the Distributions devroom at FOSDEM is open until December 20th (riecatnor[m], 20:05:52)
    7. https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/distributions/ (riecatnor[m], 20:05:57)
    8. https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2021q4/003311.html (riecatnor[m], 20:06:02)
    9. CfP for the CentOS Dojo at FOSDEM open until January 9th (riecatnor[m], 20:08:09)
    10. https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/FOSDEM2022 (riecatnor[m], 20:08:16)
    11. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSds-fpT7xVsF4_5Y48dIexdIoiQK-Xv7EyI3r3fpYE1oEFopA/viewform (riecatnor[m], 20:08:21)
    12. We have 3 new interns through Outreachy for the Dec-March session! Learn more on the CommBlog (riecatnor[m], 20:08:40)
    13. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/outreachy-interns-introduction-december-2021-to-march-2022/ (riecatnor[m], 20:08:45)
    14. @mattdm kicked off a discussion for a 3 year Fedora strategy, feel free to get involved, we need everyones input! (riecatnor[m], 20:08:58)
    15. https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-in-2025-what-do-we-want-and-how-will-we-get-there/35258/2 (riecatnor[m], 20:09:03)

  3. Mindshare Quarterly Update (riecatnor[m], 20:11:38)
    1. https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/306 (riecatnor[m], 20:11:44)
    2. https://hackmd.io/6FHVaOXERwu6yOYvhJnJog?view#Mindshare-Committee-Quarterly-Update---October-December-2021 (riecatnor[m], 20:11:49)

  4. tickets (riecatnor[m], 20:23:40)
    1. https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/307 (riecatnor[m], 20:23:49)

  5. future of Fedora (riecatnor[m], 20:47:59)
    1. https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-in-2025-what-do-we-want-and-how-will-we-get-there/35258 (riecatnor[m], 20:48:01)
    2. https://chaoss.community/metric-types-of-contributions/ (riecatnor[m], 20:51:13)

Meeting ended at 21:02:39 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. riecatnor[m] (114)
  2. mizmo (60)
  3. VipulSiddharth[m (22)
  4. bt0 (13)
  5. zodbot_ (11)
  6. OnuralpSezer[m] (10)
  7. TillMaas[m] (10)
  8. zodbot (8)
  9. nb (5)
  10. MadelinePeck[m] (4)
  11. tyll (4)
  12. Onuralp (0)
  13. Sezer (0)
  14. bt0dotninja (0)
  15. Máirín (0)
  16. Duffy (0)
  17. pbokoc (0)
  18. Vipul (0)
  19. Siddharth (0)

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