#fedora-mktg Meeting

Meeting started by rbergeron at 20:05:48 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. marketing meeting (rbergeron, 20:05:59)
  2. roll call (rbergeron, 20:06:32)
  3. marketing fad 2010: finalizing the schedule for each day (rbergeron, 20:09:26)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010 (stickster, 20:10:04)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda (rbergeron, 20:10:08)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Agenda (rbergeron, 20:10:32)

  4. Day 1 - Marketing FAD (rbergeron, 20:11:51)
    1. AGREED: Neville's plan for Day 1. Deliverable: marketing plan, marketing goals (short / long term), discuss market research results. (rbergeron, 20:27:58)

  5. Day 2 - Brand Book (rbergeron, 20:28:22)
    1. ACTION: mchua get Red Hatters new to f-mktg coming to FAD to introduce themselves, schedule availability, on mktg list (mchua, 20:30:51)
    2. ACTION: Brand book Day - need to set out timeslots and then ask RH brand / marketing folks on availability (rbergeron, 20:31:06)
    3. ACTION: add to Day 2 Agenda as ongoing - wiki work around branding / branded materials. (rbergeron, 20:36:00)
    4. AGREED: Day 2 Schedule - settled as-is, need to add wiki work of at minimum having a list of things we need to add to wiki pages around branding, updating presentation pages, etc. (rbergeron, 20:36:54)

  6. Day 3 - Interviews and Filming. (rbergeron, 20:37:08)
    1. http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-13/f-13-marketing-tasks.html (stickster, 20:40:01)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_FAD_2010#Agenda (rbergeron, 20:44:01)
    3. http://magazine.redhat.com/2007/06/01/video-fedora-7-highlights/ <-- San Diego video (stickster, 20:48:04)
    4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Contributor_podcast (spevack, 20:48:18)
    5. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Contributor_podcast (rbergeron, 20:54:34)
    6. AGREED: Day 3 - interviews and filming, schedule settled as-is on wiki. Deliverable: MASS AMOUNTS OF VIDEO, interviewing local devs for feature profile videos, kick off contributor podcast interview chain. (rbergeron, 20:55:07)

  7. Day 4 - PR Day (rbergeron, 20:55:20)
    1. Day 3 FI lunch talk - <mchua> FI discussion: "It's up - what did we learn, what are we doing with it, (rbergeron, 21:01:33)
    2. what do we want to do with it in the future?" (rbergeron, 21:01:41)
    3. AGREED: Day 4 PR Day - schedule as proposed by rbergero on wiki. Deliverables: Press Kit (or beginnings thereof), press deliverables schedule, hopefully targeting multiple audiences, RH summit plan of attack. (rbergeron, 21:02:34)
    4. ACTION: rbergeron will clean up wiki schedule, stickster will add deliverables unless rbergeron beats him to it. (rbergeron, 21:04:27)

  8. Infrastructure business - Limesurvey (rbergeron, 21:04:55)
    1. rbergero still needs packagers and eyeballs and stuff, oh my! (rbergeron, 21:05:16)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Things_to_do_to_finish_Limesurvey (rbergeron, 21:05:52)

  9. infrastrucutre business - Fedora Tour (rbergeron, 21:07:40)
  10. Infrastructure - Fedora Insight (rbergeron, 21:09:39)
    1. http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2010-January/011583.html (rbergeron, 21:11:42)
    2. seems to be a general list of what's going on. at least as of last wednesday. if someone wants to send some more up to date info / calls for action / help to the list on FI, feel free :) (rbergeron, 21:12:18)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zikula (rbergeron, 21:12:51)

  11. Anything else? (rbergeron, 21:14:18)

Meeting ended at 21:14:57 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. mchua get Red Hatters new to f-mktg coming to FAD to introduce themselves, schedule availability, on mktg list
  2. Brand book Day - need to set out timeslots and then ask RH brand / marketing folks on availability
  3. add to Day 2 Agenda as ongoing - wiki work around branding / branded materials.
  4. rbergeron will clean up wiki schedule, stickster will add deliverables unless rbergeron beats him to it.

Action items, by person

  1. mchua
    1. mchua get Red Hatters new to f-mktg coming to FAD to introduce themselves, schedule availability, on mktg list
  2. rbergeron
    1. rbergeron will clean up wiki schedule, stickster will add deliverables unless rbergeron beats him to it.
  3. stickster
    1. rbergeron will clean up wiki schedule, stickster will add deliverables unless rbergeron beats him to it.
    1. Brand book Day - need to set out timeslots and then ask RH brand / marketing folks on availability
    2. add to Day 2 Agenda as ongoing - wiki work around branding / branded materials.

People present (lines said)

  1. rbergeron (184)
  2. rrix (42)
  3. stickster (35)
  4. spevack (27)
  5. hiemanshu (21)
  6. mchua (19)
  7. yn1v (5)
  8. AamirBhutto (5)
  9. zodbot (4)
  10. rharrison (2)

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