#foss2serve: POSSE - IRC 1.3
Meeting started by stoney at 14:00:24 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- agenda:
http://foss2serve.org/index.php/IRC_Meeting_1 (stoney,
- Introductions (stoney, 14:01:21)
- Stoney Jackson, Western New England University,
I'm one of the POSSE team members (stoney,
- I'm Greg Hislop from Drexel University in
Philadelphia and I'm one of the POSSE team members (hislopg,
- Gustavo Pinto, Federal University of Pará,
Brazil. I do FOSS research, but I'm new to this HFOSS world.
- I am Sabine Wojcieszak form Germany. I am
lecturer at University of Applied Science in Kiel (Sabine,
- Darci Burdge - Nassau Community College - I am
a member of the team (darci,
- My name is Marcos, Universidad Complutense de
Madrid (Spain) I teach Operating Systems and Ethics, Legislation and
Professional Prectique (mselezm,
- Bernardo from PUC-Rio in Brazil and I work with
Informatics and Education, Semantic Wev and Web Science. I have not
much experience with HFOSS projects but would love to learn more
with you. (bnunes,
- I am Gianluca Torta from Università di Torino
(Italy), I am an enthusiastic of FOSS but haven't been involved
heavily in OS projects so far (torta,
- I'm Gabor Laszlo from Hungary, Obuda University
Keleti Faculty of Business and Management (LG_FLOSS,
- Vangel Ajanovski, Faculty of Computer Science
and Engineering at the University Ss Cyril and Methodius in Skopje,
Macedonia. I am regular on IRC since 1995 probably and have been
extended experience in FOSS (both using, developing and
teaching) (ajan,
- IRC (stoney, 14:08:41)
- IRC commands
http://www.ircbeginner.com/ircinfo/ircc-commands.html (stoney,
- zodbot http://meetbot.debian.net/Manual.html
- Discussion of HFOSS projects (stoney, 14:31:28)
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_Fs5rTu6ltChsIfk3ywk0BfL0YAaKqMDgMAHspiuXM0/edit#gid=0
Meeting ended at 14:58:09 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- stoney (145)
- Samah (17)
- hislopg (17)
- darci (17)
- MarcosS (16)
- Sabine (15)
- ajan (11)
- gtorta (11)
- gustavopinto (10)
- SaraRoman (9)
- zodbot (5)
- Deepti (5)
- salsabbagh (5)
- SaraUCM (3)
- GaborL (3)
- mselezm (2)
- BernardoNunes (2)
- LG_FLOSS (1)
- jackson (1)
- Bernardo (1)
- torta (1)
- bnunes (1)
- stoney_ (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.