#fudcon-room-1 Meeting

Meeting started by maxamillion at 20:10:41 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Designing the Future of Software Operating System User Experiences (Gnome-sheel/Gnome 3.0) (maxamillion, 20:11:07)
  2. Designing the Future of Software Operating System User Experiences (Gnome-sheel/Gnome 3.0) - Q&A (maxamillion, 20:42:35)

Meeting ended at 21:02:25 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. maxamillion (50)
  2. pwf (11)
  3. mizmo (6)
  4. mchua (3)
  5. zodbot (2)
  6. quaid (1)

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