#glittergallery Meeting
Meeting started by banas at 12:13:54 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (banas, 12:14:21)
- Status Updates (banas, 12:15:20)
- https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/EcAKaSgk
- ACTION: rhea htrap
Check out OpenShift QuickStarts
https://www.openshift.com/quickstarts (banas,
- IDEA: htrap rhea Keep
commit messages instructive (banas,
- ACTION: htrap rhrea
Come up with a timeline view of the various activity (banas,
- http://www.chartjs.org/
- ACTION: htrap rhea
Blog about progress so far once exams are over (banas,
- Open Floor (banas, 12:42:02)
Meeting ended at 12:47:54 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- rhea htrap Check out OpenShift QuickStarts https://www.openshift.com/quickstarts
- htrap rhrea Come up with a timeline view of the various activity
- htrap rhea Blog about progress so far once exams are over
Action items, by person
- htrap
- rhea htrap Check out OpenShift QuickStarts https://www.openshift.com/quickstarts
- htrap rhrea Come up with a timeline view of the various activity
- htrap rhea Blog about progress so far once exams are over
- rhea
- rhea htrap Check out OpenShift QuickStarts https://www.openshift.com/quickstarts
- htrap rhea Blog about progress so far once exams are over
People present (lines said)
- banas (80)
- htrap (32)
- rhea (18)
- zodbot (12)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.