#nulecule: Atomic Developer Bundle Weekly Meeting
Meeting started by bexelbie at 13:00:41 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- https://titanpad.com/adbmeeting (bexelbie,
- https://github.com/projectatomic/adb-atomic-developer-bundle/issues/383
- ACTION: praveenkumar,
nshaikh bexelbie please review #382/#375 for an ACK (bexelbie,
- adb-utils release (bexelbie,
- release completed on time (bexelbie,
- vagrant-service-manager release to coincide
with ADB 2.1 (bexelbie,
- vsm 1.0.2 release last week:
- post 2.1 ADB there will be new vsm
features (bexelbie,
- https://github.com/projectatomic/vagrant-service-manager/issues/206
- vsm 1.0.3 - Integrate CI server (bexelbie,
- vsm 1.0.3 - Expose docker registry url for the
CDK enhancement focus:devex (bexelbie,
- vsm 1.0.3 - Put Gemfile.lock under version
control (bexelbie,
- vsm 1.0.3 - Vagrant native --debug flag showing
command help (bexelbie,
- vsm 1.0.3 - Extend --debug flag to show
vagrant-service-manager activity (budhram,
- ACTION: nshaikh to
scan and add milestones to all issues in vsm repo (bexelbie,
- ACTION: other repo
maintainers are encouraged to do the same to help with comprehension
of the roadmap (bexelbie,
- Old AI: Lala to send email about delayed ADB release (bexelbie, 13:20:44)
- this was done (bexelbie,
- Old AI: reviewers needed for github.com/projectatomic/adb-tests/pull/31 (bexelbie, 13:21:06)
- ACTION: tkral to
review github.com/projectatomic/adb-tests/pull/31 (bexelbie,
- ACTION: dharmit to
put together a review and announce to ML re:
github.com/projectatomic/adb-tests/pull/31 (bexelbie,
- open floor (bexelbie, 13:26:41)
- VSM releases are not really following ADB releases (bexelbie, 13:27:51)
- ACTION: nshaikh to
mail ML about release schedule for VSM and set up a convo with
maintainers (bexelbie,
- Video series for ADB (bexelbie, 13:30:33)
- ACTION: lalatenduM to
create a list of topics for the video series and solicit
signups (bexelbie,
- open floor (bexelbie, 13:33:24)
Meeting ended at 13:33:56 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- praveenkumar, nshaikh bexelbie please review #382/#375 for an ACK
- nshaikh to scan and add milestones to all issues in vsm repo
- other repo maintainers are encouraged to do the same to help with comprehension of the roadmap
- tkral to review github.com/projectatomic/adb-tests/pull/31
- dharmit to put together a review and announce to ML re: github.com/projectatomic/adb-tests/pull/31
- nshaikh to mail ML about release schedule for VSM and set up a convo with maintainers
- lalatenduM to create a list of topics for the video series and solicit signups
Action items, by person
- bexelbie
- praveenkumar, nshaikh bexelbie please review #382/#375 for an ACK
- lalatenduM
- lalatenduM to create a list of topics for the video series and solicit signups
- nshaikh
- praveenkumar, nshaikh bexelbie please review #382/#375 for an ACK
- nshaikh to scan and add milestones to all issues in vsm repo
- nshaikh to mail ML about release schedule for VSM and set up a convo with maintainers
- praveenkumar
- praveenkumar, nshaikh bexelbie please review #382/#375 for an ACK
- tkral
- tkral to review github.com/projectatomic/adb-tests/pull/31
- other repo maintainers are encouraged to do the same to help with comprehension of the roadmap
- dharmit to put together a review and announce to ML re: github.com/projectatomic/adb-tests/pull/31
People present (lines said)
- bexelbie (108)
- nshaikh (24)
- zodbot (14)
- lalatenduM (14)
- budhram (7)
- praveenkumar (3)
- surajd (2)
- tkral (1)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.