#fedora-board-meeting: Fedora Board Meeting --- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Board_meeting_2011-01-24
Meeting started by jreznik at 19:01:22 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- roll call (jreznik, 19:02:28)
- jds2001 ke4qqq mizmo jreznik smooge nirik kylem
notting spot rdieter cwickert mmaslano abadger1999 present
- Fedora strategic goals discussion with FESCo --- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Board_meeting_2010-12-13#Suggested_Goals_in_more_detail (jreznik, 19:07:58)
- the goals FESCo agreed on can be found in FESCo
trac --- https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/539 (jreznik,
- GOAL #1: Improve and simplify collaboration in the Fedora Community (jreznik, 19:13:08)
- IDEA: look at our
unresponsive maintainer policies again... we should really encourage
co-maintainers more so packages don't sit with no one watching
them. (mizmo,
- IDEA: how to possibly
improve our morass of mailing lists (mizmo,
- IDEA: how to possibly
reduce the number of irc channels/lists/etc to make it easier for
people to join/follow (mizmo,
- IDEA: encourage direct
communication between different groups. recently things seem to go
up all the way to the board and then down again. this is ineffective
collaboration. we need to have workflows for $contributor from group
A requesting something from group B. ether there are not workflows
or they are all different (mizmo,
- IDEA: As mentioned on
the board wiki, calendaring and scheduling could really be
improved. (mizmo,
- IDEA: it would be great
to know when/where things are happing all the time. (mizmo,
- IDEA: I wonder if we
couldn't designate or create some area in all the communications
channels for pointing people at just where to go for something.
some kind of directory service... so you could look up who you ask
about helping out with $foo instead of just wandering around trying
to find out. (mizmo,
- IDEA: say all groups
have a trac instance to bring something up to their attention, just
like the board opened it's trac recently. doesn't need to be trac,
but a common protocol for everybody (mizmo,
- so, 1 - 7 votes, 3 - 7 votes, 4 - 3 votes, 5 -
1 vote, 7 - 1 vote, 9 - 1 vote, 12 - 3 votes, 13 - 1 vote, 14 - 3
votes, 15 - 4 votes. (mizmo,
- 1, 3, 15, 12 14 4, 5, 7 9 (mizmo,
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2011-01-19/fesco.2011-01-19-17.35.log.html
- GOAL #3: Improve and encourage high-quality communication in the Fedora Community (jreznik, 19:34:01)
- some overlap here with the first ones
ideas... (mizmo,
- IDEA: Teaching folks
how to run meetings, and how to communicate better on lists would be
lovely. (mizmo,
- IDEA: We could possibly
use some framework like moodle to setup classes for these things so
people could learn more easily. (mizmo,
- IDEA: Possibly we could
ask mailing list owners to try and get people to avoid long threads
or off topic discussion, but there's no easy fix. (nirik,
- Nirik cites mailing lists as being the biggest
communication breakdown place. Some people just use lists and not
other channels. Issues getting IRC discussions synched back to list.
Issues with noise on the lists. (mizmo,
- notting seconds nirik's mailing list
comments (mizmo,
- mmaslano thinks it's like hall monitor - people
who are OT usually don't participate classes to become better
ones (jreznik,
- spot says there are some crazy ideas on how to
accomplish things to improve signal to noise ratio on mailing lists
without acting like hall monitors (jreznik,
- Anything that is described as 'teaching people
how to communicate better on mailing lists' sounds like it would
trigger a backlash, however well intentioned. "who are you to tell
me i can't communicate?", etc. alas. it sounds like hall monitor.
You can teach people better communication, but I'm not sure that
those who go OT will be in this class. (mizmo,
- IDEA: empower mailing
list owners to do more management when needed. Possibly the
Community Working group could propose some ideas on how they could
better do so, but I think it might be better seen when coming from
people who are part of whatever area that is and are managers of
that resource. (mizmo,
- GOAL #15: Improve developer experience (jreznik, 19:46:55)
- IDEA: gather feedback
from developers at fudcon on areas to look at improving.
- IDEA: get more people
doing buildroot overrides or some way to automate them. (mizmo,
- IDEA: See if we can
reduce the maintainer sponsorship queue down. (so people wanting to
help are there to help all of us) (mizmo,
- IDEA: make
co-maintainers more common/expected. Possibly by auto acking
requests to be a comaintainer if the maintainer doesn't respond or
the like. (mizmo,
- IDEA: help improve
repos.fedorapeople.org or kopers or whatever so they are easier for
our maintainers to use. (mizmo,
- IDEA: support of groups
of maintainers in SIG or on group of packages. (mizmo,
- IDEA: fesco could look
at doing would be some better way to get provenpackagers helping
others... some bat signal to call for help on a serious/difficult
bug they can't solve. (mizmo,
- IDEA: better
communication with bugzappers would be nice. I think they could help
more packages, but it seems sometimes packagers don't know to ask
for them to help. (mizmo,
- we don't necessarily have project-wide roadmaps
for the tools we use (mizmo,
- there's little we can do to enact new
initiatives other than 'set policies' (mizmo,
- we cant force people to do things, but one
thing that might improve some of those bottlenecks is having
multiple people who do each thing/can do tasks for some team... that
way there's no single point if someone is busy or the like
- ACTION: ke4qqq to get
with releng and document instructions how to join the team and put a
wiki page up (jreznik,
Meeting ended at 20:29:20 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- ke4qqq to get with releng and document instructions how to join the team and put a wiki page up
Action items, by person
- ke4qqq
- ke4qqq to get with releng and document instructions how to join the team and put a wiki page up
People present (lines said)
- jreznik (87)
- nirik (62)
- mizmo (60)
- notting (39)
- cwickert (29)
- spot (28)
- jds2001 (17)
- ke4qqq (16)
- mmaslano (12)
- zodbot (5)
- cwickert1 (2)
- rdieter (1)
- abadger1999 (1)
- smooge (1)
- SMParrish (1)
- kylem (1)
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