#fedora-zh Meeting
Meeting started by alick at 13:19:08 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call 报到 (alick, 13:20:10)
- FUDCon post event todos (alick, 13:21:52)
- ACTION: alick query
status of FUDCon reimbursement and tell BinLi and Zsun (alick,
- ACTION: alick query
progress of FAD reimbursement (alick,
- ACTION: tiansworld
refine fudcon survey report (alick,
- Offline Events 线下活动 (alick, 13:23:52)
- ACTION: alick query
dongfengweixiao about metal sticker design and production
- openSUSE.Asia Summit is coming:
http://summit.opensuse.org/ (alick,
- L10N 本地化 (alick, 13:36:11)
- zh_CN, zh_TW (and many other teams) vote "Go"
for transifex move (alick,
- FZUG Websites 中文社区网站 (alick, 13:36:11)
- Free 自由讨论 (alick, 13:42:23)
Meeting ended at 14:02:30 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- alick query status of FUDCon reimbursement and tell BinLi and Zsun
- alick query progress of FAD reimbursement
- tiansworld refine fudcon survey report
- alick query dongfengweixiao about metal sticker design and production
Action items, by person
- alick
- alick query status of FUDCon reimbursement and tell BinLi and Zsun
- alick query progress of FAD reimbursement
- alick query dongfengweixiao about metal sticker design and production
People present (lines said)
- alick (35)
- zodbot (6)
- zsun (5)
- BadGirl (2)
- tonghuix (1)
- biergaizi_ (0)
- scateu (0)
- tonghuix_ (0)
- fuwei_TN (0)
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