#fudcon-planning: FUDCon Milan Planning Meeting
Meeting started by jsmith at 15:09:07 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (jsmith, 15:09:35)
- Status Updates: Booklet (jsmith, 15:11:12)
- ACTION: samuele to
complete the booklet (welcome letter) and change format to
leter (fcrippa,
- Status Updates: Visas for international travelers (jsmith, 15:32:20)
- Status Updates: Wiki updates (jsmith, 15:34:08)
- Status Updates: T-shirts (jsmith, 15:39:37)
- jsmith tried to pay for the shirts online, but
the payment failed for some reason (jsmith,
- Status Updates: FUDPub (jsmith, 15:43:02)
- Any other questions/concerns? (jsmith, 15:48:40)
Meeting ended at 15:56:56 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- samuele to complete the booklet (welcome letter) and change format to leter
People present (lines said)
- fcrippa (64)
- jsmith (59)
- tatica (14)
- zodbot (4)
- Southern_Gentlem (3)
- rbergeron (0)
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