#fedora-meeting-4: Fedora CommOps GSoC 2016 Community Bonding
Meeting started by jflory7 at 18:17:22 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Getting started (jflory7, 18:17:50)
- Mentors are going to be working on figuring out
where students should be going and helping determine
direction (jflory7,
- http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016
- All GSoC students should be familiar with
Infrastructure process to be familiar with where they fit into the
picture (jflory7,
- ACTION: gsoc_students
Watch puiterwijk's Flock video series and slides (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 /
skamath Look more into the Infra Apprentice on-boarding (jflory7,
- There will be weekly status reports
- Status reports can use: fedmsg, taskwarrior
dumps, daily stand-ups, etc. (jflory7,
- Daily Stand-ups: Good/Bad/Ugly -
Yesterday/today/tomorrow (jflory7,
- "Tickets or it didn't happen" (jflory7,
- Weekly IRC meeting with your "core" subproject
(infra, docs, design) (jflory7,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted
- Flock is a potential place to do project
presentation / meetup since it is still during the GSoC mentoring
period (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7
Taking the playbooks being written with other parts of Fedora
Infra (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 "How
to contribute to Ansible playbooks in Fedora Infrastructure"
guide (jflory7,
- Stretch goals for jflory7 (jflory7, 18:29:20)
- There is some technical debt within Fedora
playbooks (jflory7,
- Ansible has changed much, there is a 2.0 API.
Fedora was an early adopter and some features not being utilized in
new API (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 To
write playbooks using Ansible 2.0 API and possibly help porting past
playbooks to Ansible 2.0 API (jflory7,
- Most everything in Fedora does have a playbook,
but if anything crops up, jflory7 can help write the playbooks and
Ansible things for them (jflory7,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/GSOC_2016/Student_Application_jflory7#Project_Timeline
- Other notes (jflory7, 18:35:26)
- May 23rd is the day new interns from GSoC,
Outreachy, and Red Hat are "reporting for duty" (jflory7,
Meeting ended at 18:50:04 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- gsoc_students Watch puiterwijk's Flock video series and slides
- jflory7 / skamath Look more into the Infra Apprentice on-boarding
- jflory7 Taking the playbooks being written with other parts of Fedora Infra
- jflory7 "How to contribute to Ansible playbooks in Fedora Infrastructure" guide
- jflory7 To write playbooks using Ansible 2.0 API and possibly help porting past playbooks to Ansible 2.0 API
Action items, by person
- gsoc_students
- gsoc_students Watch puiterwijk's Flock video series and slides
- jflory7
- jflory7 / skamath Look more into the Infra Apprentice on-boarding
- jflory7 Taking the playbooks being written with other parts of Fedora Infra
- jflory7 "How to contribute to Ansible playbooks in Fedora Infrastructure" guide
- jflory7 To write playbooks using Ansible 2.0 API and possibly help porting past playbooks to Ansible 2.0 API
- puiterwijk
- gsoc_students Watch puiterwijk's Flock video series and slides
- skamath
- jflory7 / skamath Look more into the Infra Apprentice on-boarding
People present (lines said)
- jflory7 (42)
- skamath (12)
- zodbot (7)
- linuxmodder (3)
- gsoc_students (0)
- puiterwijk (0)
- decause (0)
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