#openlmi: OpenLMI (2013-12-02)
Meeting started by sgallagh at 14:00:24 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Meetings are recorded and will be posted on
www.openlmi.org. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the
reviews of the participant's employer. (sgallagh,
- Roll Call (sgallagh, 14:01:56)
- ACTION: kkaempf to
submit spec file patches for SUSE to upstream (sgallagh,
- kkaempf would like an OpenLMI 1.0.1 upstream
release before the end of the month. (sgallagh,
1.0.1 will release by Dec. 20th with all known crash bugs and
indication races fixed. (sgallagh,
- Planning OpenLMI 1.1.0 (Features) (sgallagh, 14:21:54)
- ACTION: kkaempf to
send feature suggestions by email (sgallagh,
- ACTION: sgallagh to
get an update on the udisks-lvm work from Cockpit. (sgallagh,
- LMIShell (sgallagh, 14:37:38)
- ACTION: miminar to
write debug log tutorials for Pegasus (sgallagh,
- techponder.wordpress.com
- Open Floor (sgallagh, 14:53:23)
- AGREED: OpenLMI is
the official capitalization of the project name. (sgallagh,
Meeting ended at 15:08:39 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- kkaempf to submit spec file patches for SUSE to upstream
- kkaempf to send feature suggestions by email
- sgallagh to get an update on the udisks-lvm work from Cockpit.
- miminar to write debug log tutorials for Pegasus
Action items, by person
- kkaempf
- kkaempf to submit spec file patches for SUSE to upstream
- kkaempf to send feature suggestions by email
- miminar
- miminar to write debug log tutorials for Pegasus
- sgallagh
- sgallagh to get an update on the udisks-lvm work from Cockpit.
People present (lines said)
- sgallagh (97)
- rdoty (24)
- kkaempf (14)
- jsafrane (13)
- zodbot (11)
- tbzatek (5)
- miminar (3)
- rnovacek (3)
- openlmi-buildbot (2)
- phatina (1)
- tsmetana (0)
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4.