#teachingopensource Meeting
Meeting started by mchua at 14:00:24 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teachingopensource/2010-09-02/teachingopensource.2010-09-02-17.49.html
- Those are meeting minutes from last
time. (mchua,
- Agenda (mchua, 14:01:08)
- * Curriculum status (mchua,
- * Staffing and travel logistics status
- * Budget status (mchua,
- * Enrollment/recruitment status (mchua,
- * Visitors and guest lecturers status
- * PR status (mchua,
- Curriculum status (mchua, 14:02:43)
- http://mchua.fedorapeople.org/posse/notes/posse-curriculum.JPG
- ACTION: mchua turn
this into a schedule with handouts for POSSE South Africa
- Basically, we're making good progress on this
front, and the TOS list is being kept in the loop with curriculum
developments. (mchua,
- Staffing and travel logistics (mchua, 14:03:41)
- Instructors confirmed - Mel Chua, Jan
Wildeboer, Pierros Papadeas (mchua,
- All flights have been booked (mchua,
- ACTION: mchua make
hotel reservations for instructors (mchua,
- ACTION: mchua figure
out airport transit for instructors (we're all arriving at around
the same time, so we'll just take a cab in together, I think
- Budget status (mchua, 14:04:56)
- We've currently spent $4168.78 on flights
alone. (mchua,
- Our other remaining major expense is hotel
rooms, which I'm budgeting $2500 for - this would put us at slightly
under $6700. (mchua,
- This is running tight; we've got to stay under
$7k absolute max, and still need to handle taxi rides to/from the
airport, and food for the instructors all week, so I think we're at
the end of our RH budget here. (mchua,
- ACTION: micadeyeye
get a confirmation from the university next week on sponsoring
Thursday's dinner (mchua,
- Enrollment/recruitment status (mchua, 14:10:34)
- http://mchua.fedorapeople.org/posse/recruitment-materials/
- A poster/flyer has been made - it's not very
pretty, but it's got all the information there. (mchua,
- http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/POSSE_South_Africa#Professors
- We currently have 3 attendees with
confirmed/completed applications (Michael Adeyeye, C. K. Ayo, Grant
Hearn) (mchua,
- We're waiting on 3 applications (Boniface
Kabaso, Kruben Naidoo, Wilhelm Rothman) (mchua,
- C.K. Ayo won't be able to join us after all,
sadly (mchua,
- ACTION: micadeyeye to
follow up with CPUT colleagues over email to get application
info (mchua,
- Vistors and guest lecturers status (mchua, 14:18:31)
- ACTION: mchua to
follow up with visitors (Stefano, Antonie, et al) about
scheduling (mchua,
- ACTION: mchua to ask
visitors to help with attendee recruitment (mchua,
- ACTION: mchua ask
C.K. Ayo if he'd like to join us remotely as a guest sometime during
the week (mchua,
- a room has been reserved! (mchua,
- ACTION: mchua email
attendees about bringing laptops (mchua,
- micadeyeye will help with badges for campus
access, but the room is easily accessible and there are no
restrictions on where we can/can't go. (mchua,
- PR status (mchua, 14:25:40)
- Kara from Red Hat is drafting a press release
right now, we'll send you the text when she's got a first version
out (mchua,
- ACTION: mchua to send
micadeyeye and kara some info on the event to make writing that
press release easier (mchua,
- ACTION: micadeyeye to
get micadeyeye the CPUT PR contact info to pass to Kara, so Red Hat
and CPUT PR can interface directly (mchua,
- IDEA: one or two
research students could join us (mchua,
- ACTION: micadeyeye
send those students to mchua to coordinate them coming in as
guests (mchua,
- ACTION: micadeyeye to
check in on snacks/refreshments (mchua,
- Next meeting is next week, same time same
place. (mchua,
Meeting ended at 14:33:53 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- mchua turn this into a schedule with handouts for POSSE South Africa
- mchua make hotel reservations for instructors
- mchua figure out airport transit for instructors (we're all arriving at around the same time, so we'll just take a cab in together, I think
- micadeyeye get a confirmation from the university next week on sponsoring Thursday's dinner
- micadeyeye to follow up with CPUT colleagues over email to get application info
- mchua to follow up with visitors (Stefano, Antonie, et al) about scheduling
- mchua to ask visitors to help with attendee recruitment
- mchua ask C.K. Ayo if he'd like to join us remotely as a guest sometime during the week
- mchua email attendees about bringing laptops
- mchua to send micadeyeye and kara some info on the event to make writing that press release easier
- micadeyeye to get micadeyeye the CPUT PR contact info to pass to Kara, so Red Hat and CPUT PR can interface directly
- micadeyeye send those students to mchua to coordinate them coming in as guests
- micadeyeye to check in on snacks/refreshments
Action items, by person
- mchua
- mchua turn this into a schedule with handouts for POSSE South Africa
- mchua make hotel reservations for instructors
- mchua figure out airport transit for instructors (we're all arriving at around the same time, so we'll just take a cab in together, I think
- mchua to follow up with visitors (Stefano, Antonie, et al) about scheduling
- mchua to ask visitors to help with attendee recruitment
- mchua ask C.K. Ayo if he'd like to join us remotely as a guest sometime during the week
- mchua email attendees about bringing laptops
- mchua to send micadeyeye and kara some info on the event to make writing that press release easier
- micadeyeye send those students to mchua to coordinate them coming in as guests
- micadeyeye
- micadeyeye get a confirmation from the university next week on sponsoring Thursday's dinner
- micadeyeye to follow up with CPUT colleagues over email to get application info
- mchua to send micadeyeye and kara some info on the event to make writing that press release easier
- micadeyeye to get micadeyeye the CPUT PR contact info to pass to Kara, so Red Hat and CPUT PR can interface directly
- micadeyeye send those students to mchua to coordinate them coming in as guests
- micadeyeye to check in on snacks/refreshments
People present (lines said)
- mchua (121)
- micadeyeye (45)
- zodbot (4)
- Hellis_ (2)
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