#fedora-meeting-2: FAmSCo 2016-03-16
Meeting started by giannisk at 14:06:20 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (giannisk, 14:06:35)
- gnokii, mailga, lbazan, tuanta send
regrets (giannisk,
- no quorum reached (giannisk,
- cwickert just released some mails from gnokii
from the moderation queue, please read them on famsco list
- ACTION: gnokii to
change his famsco list subscription to his desired address so mails
don't end up in moderation all the time (cwickert,
- Ticket #390 - [Proposal] Change decision making
policy to lazy consensus (giannisk,
- ACTION: giannisk to
reach out to the rest of FAmSCo, ask for all votings to take place
on trac (giannisk,
- ACTION: giannisk to
update ticket #390 w/ the conclusion that has been reached during
this meeting (giannisk,
- consensus among the present FAmSCo members that
would like to switch to lazy consensus but with some adjustments on
time frame and recording votes. (cwickert,
- ACTION: giannisk to
reach out to the list to finalize the discussion on #390
- FAmSCo Leadership (cwickert, 14:33:15)
- ACTION: If you
haven't voted yet, please vote for a new meeting time at
whenisgood.net/new-famsco-meeting/ (cwickert,
- ACTION: potty to
respond to the mailing list thread regarding the famsco
leadership (giannisk,
Meeting ended at 15:03:02 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- gnokii to change his famsco list subscription to his desired address so mails don't end up in moderation all the time
- giannisk to reach out to the rest of FAmSCo, ask for all votings to take place on trac
- giannisk to update ticket #390 w/ the conclusion that has been reached during this meeting
- giannisk to reach out to the list to finalize the discussion on #390
- If you haven't voted yet, please vote for a new meeting time at whenisgood.net/new-famsco-meeting/
- potty to respond to the mailing list thread regarding the famsco leadership
Action items, by person
- giannisk
- giannisk to reach out to the rest of FAmSCo, ask for all votings to take place on trac
- giannisk to update ticket #390 w/ the conclusion that has been reached during this meeting
- giannisk to reach out to the list to finalize the discussion on #390
- potty
- potty to respond to the mailing list thread regarding the famsco leadership
- gnokii to change his famsco list subscription to his desired address so mails don't end up in moderation all the time
- If you haven't voted yet, please vote for a new meeting time at whenisgood.net/new-famsco-meeting/
People present (lines said)
- cwickert (72)
- giannisk (72)
- decause (33)
- potty (27)
- zodbot (13)
- jflory7 (10)
- mailga (8)
- linuxmodder (1)
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